12 ga. (?) wire, Solder Iron, Solder, Screwdriver, 10mm Wrench, Wire Cutters
The purpose of this fix is to get rid of the crummy foot long section of wiring between the regulator and the alternator. The two plastic connections are prone to resistance, and will eventually melt into a big ball of plastic and copper. When I got my bike, there were already signs of this occurring, but like a fool, I simply separated the wires and left it alone. Then, my tach started zeroing out and I was hitting on one cylinder. I looked down to see that the whole mess was beyond melted. So, after talking with some people, they suggested I remove the connections and solder the wiring directly.
First remove the grey side pod to gain acces to the wiring.
This is the section you are looking to replace. Note the electrical tape from my previous "fix".
Before cutting any wires, make sure that you mark which one corresponds with which. Follow the wire from one end, through the connection, and match it with the corresponding wire on the other end, then mark it. The pink tabs are overkill, and I simply ended up marking 1, 2, or 3 notches on the wires with a permanent felt marker.
This is what my wiring looked like after I took some of the tape off. It was burnt and bare, and was obviously causing some problems.
Now, take about a one foot section of wire that is as thick as the wiring from the regulator you just cut. Then, solder one wire directly to each of the three yellow regulator to alternator wires. You can do this now, or make it easier and wait until you have taken the regulator out, which is the next step.
Now take out the regulator (after also unplugging the two red and two green wire connection). Then, separate those wires from the three alternator (yellow) wires and wrap them in electrical tape for insulation.
Now put heat shrink tubing over each of the three connections you soldered and heat them with an open flame.
Now, take each alternator wire and wrap it individually with electrical tape up to the heat shrink tube. This way, if one melts it will not melt all three.
Now, run the two red and two green wires back the way they came. Then, take the three alternator wires and run them separate. I did this to be able to keep a close eye on them and also to make sure they didn't melt any other wiring. They now go down over the frame bar, and kind of underneath the horn, then back behind the grey pod.
Now comes the hard part. Because the wiring from the alternator doesn't have a lot of slack, you need to cut the wires off VERY close to the plastic connector. Now, before doing anything, put a piece of heat shrink tubing on each of the three wires BEFORE you solder them. Then, proceed to solder the three wires from the regulator with the three new extensions (marked correspondingly of course) to these wires. You need to kind of reach in to do it, but it can be done with a little finnesse.
Now, heat up the heat shrink tubing on each connection. It may be easier to do this with a lighter or heat gun, but I was too lazy to go find one.
And here is how it looks with the wires pulled out. Run them neatly and then put the grey pod back on and you're done. Be sure to keep a constant watch on the connection to watch out for signs of burning. I haven't noticed any yet, but will keep looking. Good luck.
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