4, 5 and 6mm Allen Wrenches (2v), 6mm Allen Socket, Torque Wrench
Disclaimer- As with any mechanical adjustment, if done improperly this procedure could be harmful to your bike and could cause severe injury in the event of a crash. If you are at all unsure of your ability to perform this procedure correctly, PLEASE do not attempt to do so.
Unlike all my other projects, I started this one prepared. As you can see, the garage is clean and I have all my tools
laid out along with my service manual. I even bought one of those roller seats because I knew I would be spending a lot of time down low and I hate rolling in the dirt. Familiarize yourself with the procedure before you begin.
Refer to the belt tension and valves page for all the little stuff to get to this point. I put her up on a rear stand, stuck her in 5th, removed the plugs, removed the side covers, and turned the rear wheel by hand until the
tick mark on the flywheel (other side of engine through site glass) lined up with the arrow (see picture). At this point, the
tick marks on the three gears should line up......
The little dot on the vertical cylinder cam gear will align with a raised nub on the rubber portion of the cover mount.
The crank gear has a dot on it that lines up with the
tick mark on the engine case. And, the little dot on the horizontal cylinder cam gear will align with a raised nub on the rubber portion of the cover mount as well. All three of these points, plus the
tick mark on the flywheel, should all line up together at TDC on the horizontal cylinder. You want to be at this point before removing the belts. If you don't have an indicator on each of the three gears, make on on the one that's missing it (i.e., take a paint marker or something and mark a fixed point.
Take your 6mm bit socket and loosen and remove the belt tensioner. Then, you can slide the belt off. Don't worry about the gears getting out of alignment since the horizontal is easy to move back into position since there is no tension on it from a spring (but don't get wacky and try to spin it all the way around! ;)
The vertical is a little trickier. Remove the tensioner and pop off the belt. The cam gear has a bit of tension on it that when nudged it will shoot either to the right or left. In other words, it does not want to stay in one spot and that makes it hard to get the belt on without moving a tooth. But it's not near as tricky as I thought it would be. So, while holding the cam gear in place by hand with the nub and dot lined up, slide the belt on starting at the bottom, then top, then bottom, then top. It's easy enough to do that without getting off a tooth.
Then pop on the horizontal. This one's a breeze. I have the rocker cover off just so I could see what's up. I was a little confused at first because I thought it should have tension on it, but everything checked out so don't worry about that.
Pop on the tensioner now. You'll notice that when the tensioner is on, the gears line up better with their reference marks, and you'll easily be able to tell if they are off one tooth.
Just take a little time to examine everything and make sure it's in the right spot. You don't want to see the results of a belt that's off any amount.
Before tightening anything down or setting tension, I just ran it around a couple times using the rear wheel to check for any binding I may have missed. Everything checked out fine, so it was time to torque.
Check your manual for specs on your engine, but I torqued my roller tensioner bolts to 25Nm (after setting tension of course).
After that, I left the covers off, and started her up. Everything looked good (although you may notice on a carbed bike it takes a bit to start since the bowls may have dried from cranking it). I took her for a ride and got it good and hot, then checked tension, then let it cool, and checked again. You'll notice after a couple heat-cool cycles the belts will loosen, so you'll need to re-tension a little later. After that they seem to be good (I left my inspection covers off for a while to keep an eye on them). Easy, huh? I wish I'd have done it sooner!
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